All good points.  I was not planning to go to production with that
code - I was just happy to see something working. :)
I was trying to figure out a way to call SSL_set_bio once per session
with both read and write buffers, but I am stumped there since this
   m_bioMem = BIO_new_mem_buf(encryptedData, nEncDataSize)

needs to change based on the data that just came off the wire.

Which naturally brings us to the BIO pairs issue.  That is the path I
started going down... chaining a cipher BIO with a memory BIO, and
planning to write the encrypted data into one end of the chain and
read the clear text out of the other end. (and vice-versa)

However, I got stuck there, 'cuz to create a cipher BIO, I need to
specify the cipher and key.
e.g.: from Ex 4-8 in O'Reilly's OpenSSL book:
   BIO* cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher());
   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des-ese3_cbc(), key, NULL, 1);

In my case, this was just negotiated between my server and the
connecting client during the SSL_accept call.
I believe the negotiated cipher and key are living in my SSL object,
but I couldn't see how to extract those objects and pass them to the
BIO_set_cipher call for each new session??

As for the renegotiation, of course you are absolutely correct that I
am not handling those in my code snippets.  But I am fully aware of
those cases as I have been shipping a TLS-based SMTP server for
several years.  e.g. I've seen SSL_accept take several iterations of
reads and writes.  But the current server is select() based, and I am
now converting it over to Async IO (IOCP) so now I'm having to re-work
the TLS model.

I did notice the O'Reilly reference to the ssltest.c sample.  I
haven't looked at that yet, but I will. :)

Thanks for the renegotiation unit test idea, and thanks for the reply,

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ger Hobbelt
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: TLS, BIOs, SSL_read/write

Please follow Victor's advise, because this call

>    SSL_set_bio(m_ssl, NULL, bioMem);

and it's counterpart:

SSL_set_bio(m_ssl, m_bioMem, NULL);

are NOT how this sort of thing is done. This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS
(or should I say: fatal?) coding as you forcibly remove either read or
write BIO facilities for an active SSL connection.
This indicates that you assume you are in total control over when SSL
will [need to] write or read (and /not/ the other way) at /all/ time.
Which is a falsehood.
Your system can be taken down easily by any client which triggers a
renegotiation. And this is only one scenario, where read can cause a
write and vice versa.
BIO pairs have been created to provide for such bidirectional I/O and
you should both read up on the SSL_read/SSL_write documentation (and
heed the notes which are mentioned for nonblocking I/O: you will see
their effects at all times as you are plugging in your own I/O
mechanism at the backend (IOCP)). Also check out how BIO pairs et al
are used for in-memory SSL sessions, such as shown in the ssltest
application which comes OpenSSL. (There are more sample apps which use
in-memory BIOs for performing SSL communications.)

A quick test to check if you handle renegotiations at all in your IOCP
backend flow is configuring your server to trigger a renegotiation by
itself by calling BIO_set_ssl_renegotiate_bytes() with a trigger
setting of, say, a few KBytes of received data - a small amount which
will make it happen quickly and often so you can test how things go
But be aware that surviving this does not guarantee you'll survive
client-triggered renegotiation - which is not an uncommon thing,
especially when transfer amounts rise into the multi-megabytes per

Remember: SSL is not just shoving your bytes across the line in
encrypted form. It adds a *protocol* *layer* on top of sockets, which
should be facilitated for the entire lifetime of each socket

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