That's an error in the script you're launching at startup.  I don't
know what it is, but I'd bet there's an unquoted '[' character
somewhere that is only evaluated when TLS LDAP is enabled.  (see the
'-bash: ' at the beginning of the line?  That tells you that bash is
generating the error message.)

-Kyle H

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 1:34 PM, John Kane <> wrote:
> I just turned on TLS on my LDAP (per instructions on
>  Now all of my Linux
> servers give the following error on login:
> -bash: [: =: unary operator expected
> The error goes away when I turn TLS back off.  I cannot determine what
> is causing this error, or even which file contains the error.  I've gone
> through my LDAP config file, cannot find an issue in any of these.
> Other than my cacert.pem, and the LDAP config files, are there other
> files that are read only when TLS is turned on?
> Thanks,
> John
> ++++ Here's my configs ++++
> I turn on TLS by adding the following in my /etc/ldap.conf (pam/nss
> file):
>        ssl start_tls
>        tls_checkpeer yes
>        tls_cacertfile /etc/openldap/cacerts/cacert.pem
>        tls_cacertdir /etc/openldap/cacerts/
> and have the following in my /etc/openldap/ldap.conf (openldap file):
>        HOST
>        BASE dc=example,dc=net
>        TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/cacerts/
>        TLS_REQCERT allow
> and my (self-signed) cacert:
> [r...@serverx cacerts]# openssl x509 -text -in
> /etc/openldap/cacerts/cacert.pem
> Certificate:
>    Data:
>        Version: 3 (0x2)
>        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
>        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
>        Issuer: C=US, ST=Utah, O=Bigtime CA, OU=Signers, CN=Integration
> Root CA/
>        Validity
>            Not Before: May 28 04:37:13 2009 GMT
>            Not After : May 27 04:37:13 2012 GMT
>        Subject: C=US, ST=Utah, O=Bigtime CA, OU=Signers, CN=Integration
> Root CA/
>        Subject Public Key Info:
>            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
>            RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
>                Modulus (1024 bit):
>                    00:b3:bf:f0:18:5d:7e:57:0a:ce:15:3c:28:2a:81:
>                    6d:e6:c5:31:98:7e:cc:09:03:d2:28:f2:33:3e:88:
>                    11:5f:7d:e1:18:33:38:7d:f5:fa:9d:89:a8:95:16:
>                    08:00:81:08:29:ac:37:b3:b1:2b:f3:20:52:15:d7:
>                    19:44:92:9c:45:e7:2e:58:fe:7e:07:d4:1f:5a:ad:
>                    59:91:37:84:14:a8:4e:df:54:a2:62:66:38:9b:f0:
>                    cf:48:01:68:0d:3a:7c:93:83:02:48:e0:76:a1:5c:
>                    f9:05:3b:49:1e:03:9a:fd:ea:ee:79:f7:87:66:96:
>                    b0:69:39:e1:e6:1a:bd:9e:0d
>                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>        X509v3 extensions:
>            X509v3 Basic Constraints:
>                CA:FALSE
>            Netscape Comment:
>                OpenSSL Generated Certificate
>            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
> 0B:FB:7D:0B:0D:17:A3:CD:79:02:A3:A3:92:57:15:6F:DE:38:07:3C
>            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
> keyid:0B:FB:7D:0B:0D:17:A3:CD:79:02:A3:A3:92:57:15:6F:DE:38:07:3C
>    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
>        28:52:3d:9c:90:d1:89:00:d7:9d:3b:06:a6:32:28:e8:c0:8d:
>        9d:5a:0b:79:bb:1a:c9:1a:8d:c6:3a:a5:ec:5d:4c:9f:20:4c:
>        c6:1e:41:df:7d:d5:fc:45:09:2b:4b:7c:ff:38:aa:ea:33:a0:
>        4a:be:7c:84:7c:58:e8:98:9b:c9:0e:4b:5b:11:c6:28:84:b1:
>        3f:bb:30:03:f6:38:40:9f:2d:32:bc:3a:97:b8:6f:fd:aa:9f:
>        67:a6:27:07:53:b2:40:41:86:b7:02:f2:6b:07:6f:1b:74:87:
>        63:3b:1b:89:13:08:cb:32:f0:3c:3b:5e:d6:df:e3:91:19:86:
>        7a:d4
> AQkBFhtqb2huLmthbmVAcHJvZGVhc3lzdGV3cy5jb20wHhcNMDkwNTI4MDQzNzEz
> ExNJbnRlZ3JhdGlvbiBSb290IENBMSowKAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhtqb2huLmthbmVA
> 8BhdflcKzhU8KCqBbebFMZh+xAkD0ijyMz6IEV994RgzNX31+p2JqJUWCACBCCms
> N7OxK/MgUhXXGUSSnEXnLlj+fgfUH1qtWZE3hBSoTd9UomJmOJvwz0gBaA06fJOD
> AkjgdqFc+QU7SR4Dmv3q7nn3h2aWsGl54eYavZ4NAgMBAAGjezB5MAkGA1UdEwQC
> DRejzXkCo6OSVxVv3jgHPDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOBgQAoUj2ckOGJANedOwam
> MijowI2dWgt5uxrJGo3GOqXsXUyfIEzGHkHffdD8RQkrS3z/OKrqM6BKvnyEfFjo
> mJ7JDktbEcYohLE/uzAD9jhAny0yvDqXuG/9qp9npicHU7JAQYa3AvJrB28bdIdo
> OxuJEwjLNvA8O17W3+ORGYZ61A==
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