Hi Anton,

I don't know if my article can help you, but you can find what I wrote here about OpenSSL CA and Thunderbird (I am sorry for my poor English) here:



Anton Xuereb wrote:

I'm trying to create a private CA with openssl for my enterprise. I have generated the CA private key and certificate. I have created a key pair and a certificate signing request from a windows pc using kleopatra (key management utility that comes with winpgp). I signed the request with the CA's key and sent the signed certificate to the windows pc and imported the certificate. I exported the public key which I sent to my laptop. I imported the certificate of my CA into my mail client and trusted it. I then imported the public key as exported from the windows pc. It is imported but instead of being put into the People category it's sent in the Others section as it apparently does not fit in any of the other categories. I am therefore unable to send encrypted mail to the windows pc using it's public key as my client will not use it to encrypt. 

The following are the commands I used in order to get to this point:

In order to generate the private key and ca certificate:

# openssl req -config openssl.my.cnf -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout private/myca.key -out certs/myca.crt -days 1825

I converted the request from DER to PEM format using:

openssl req -in datareq.p10 -inform der -out datareq.csr

In order to sign the request:

# openssl ca -config openssl.my.cnf -policy policy_anything -in datareq.csr

I'm at a loss at the moment so any help would be appreciated.

Thanks ,



Alessandro Tani
Email: alessandro.t...@gmail.com
Personal Web Page: http://www.homeworks.it
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