
From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org
[mailto:owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org] On Behalf Of Jaquez Jr, Hector L.
Sent: Friday, 25 March, 2011 12:04
To: openssl-users@openssl.org
Subject: RE: Installing a .cer file in IE

I have created the PKCS12 file and imported the file via IE.  The issue
still occurs. What is the openssl command to import the cert into IE?  If I
look in IE certificates I see the new cert.   However, now I am not sure if
the application is not seeing the new cert or if it is still IE with the




(snip: my 03-08 message about client P12 import to IE)

This error in your IE is an error on the *server* certificate;

it has nothing whatever to do with your client=browser=personal 

certificate, which is the one you imported via PKCS12.


As I replied 03-10 after you posted additional details 03-09,

note especially the last paragraph:

> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Jaquez Jr, Hector L.
> Sent: Wednesday, 09 March, 2011 18:08

> Let me be a little more specific on what I am needing here.
> I am accessing a management console from my desk via IE [and get]
> "There is a problem with this website's security certificate". 
> I then have to click on continue to get to the site. 

That's a problem with the website=server cert.

> I created a private key to then produce my CSR file, which was used 
> to generate my CER file. I import[ed] the CER file into IE [but] 
> still get the certificate error and the browser is still using 
> the old certificate. 

What IE shows is the cert being used (presented) by the server, 
not the one (if any) for the browser. Adding or changing a cert 
for browser=client doesn't change anything for website=server.

Going back to your first post 03-07 I realize it was ambiguous;
you said you had someone "create me a [new] certificate".
I assumed by "me" you meant a personal=client=browser cert, 
which is what people usually mean by "me" or "mine";
if you actually meant "me" to be the server, 
see below and I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

> I then posted to this forum and I was told to create a PKCS12 
> and import it to IE [and did]. Regardless, I am still receiving 
> the certificate error when I access the management console. 
> When I click on the certificate error message and view the certificate 
> it shows me the old certificate. 

If the server is using an expired or otherwise wrong certificate, 
somebody must change that server to use a new/correct one.
How that is done varies depending on the server software.
If you are in charge of this management console somebody is you.
If it doesn't have instructions, but you can identify more exactly 
what software it consists of, someone here might know about it.



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