On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 6:22 PM, Kyle Hamilton <aerow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ECDSA is the elliptical curve (discrete-logarithm-based) variant of DSA, the
> Digital Signature Algorithm.  DSA was developed by the US National Security
> Agency as a means of creating prime-factorization-based signatures without
> providing code paths which would permit the encryption of arbitrary data.
> ANSI X9 has object identifiers for ECDSA with a variety of hashes.
> [SNIP]
> The patent situation around Elliptical Curve is a bit murky, but (IANAL) I
> am proceeding as though the narrow interpretation promoted by the RSA Crypto
> FAQ is correct: the patent situation is the opposite of what was the case
> for DH and RSA: the algorithm itself is not specifically described in any
> particular patent, only particular efficient implementations of it -- such
> as 'an efficient algorithm using only left-shift and add instructions'.  The
> reason why there's murkiness is because everyone who does things is pretty
> much counseled to avoid looking at the patents -- if the patents are known,
> then it's evidence of willful (rather than accidental) infringement and any
> punitive damages for such are tripled.  However, Professer Dan J Bernstein
> says that his prime at 256 bits is unpatented and there's prior art from
> several years before the Certicom patents were filed -- and there was an
> infringement lawsuit brought by Certicom against Sony, which was dismissed
> in 2009.
Dismissed or withdrawn? It seems to me Certicom stopped bitting a hand
that feeds it.


> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 8:27 PM,  <y...@inbox.lv> wrote:
>> When i searched on it, it seemed that ECDH requires specified named curve,
>> and openVPN does not have a means of specifying it. Also, it seems that
>> ECDSA works only with SHA-1 (I also would like to know, why it cannot take
>> any 160 bit hash). I searched about it few weeks ago and relevant messages
>> were few months old.
>> Citējot Gaglia <san...@paranoici.org>:
>> On 07/05/2011 03:23 PM, Gaglia wrote:
>>> I'm trying to make an OpenVPN setup with Elliptic Curves cryptography
>>> and SHA-512 on Linux Debian.
>> No idea anybody, really? :(
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