I need some help.

I am basically stuck and don't know how to fix the handshake and must be missing something.
Perhaps it is something with the certificates.

I have a server certificate/privatekey and a CA certificate.

Server loads its server certificate and private key ( self-signed by a CA that I created).
The client loads the CA certificate.

Using memory buffers and blocking IO.

I begin the handshake by the client intiating hello message.
The server reads message, and data is put in its ssl output. This is sent back to client. The client read the data ( SSL_read) and data it populated in the ssl output. This is sent back to the server. ( it is waiting for more input from server) The server reads the data (SSL_read) and nothing is generated in out....but it is waiting for more information from client.

Basically I am at a stale mate now.
What information am I missing.
When I go and look at what state the client is in it say it is UNKWN..........what does this imply????

Do I need a client certificate even though I have programmed the server to be a VERIFY_PEER_NONE?

Does anybody have any references/books I can go get to help me with this issue.......I am completely lost and confused.

Note: I am currently working on windows.

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