That didn't work. I immediately got an error from the server : SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO: no shared cipher.

Do you know what my original error meant:

SSL_BYTES_TO_CIPHER_LIST:scsv received when renegotiating

Maybe if I know what it is referring to I can track down the issue. There isn't much posted on the net about it.

On , wrote:
Hi Eriwin,

Your response does make sense but I need to clarify.

I created a CA Certifcate and a private key.( CA.cert and CAPrivate.key)

I then created a server certificate request ( server.csr and server.key) and signed it with the CA's private key, creating the

following 2 files: server.crt, and server.pem.

Now currently in my program the server-side is loading the server.pem file and the server.key file.

The client-side is loading the CA.cert.

So if I understand what you are saying above. I need to reverse the loading ( below is what I currently have in my code:

if(ac.user() == server)


_ssl_context = new ssl::context(ssl::method_sslv3, ssl::role_server);



else //client


_ssl_context = new ssl::context(ssl::method_sslv3, ssl::role_client);



Are you saying it should be :

if(ac.user() == client)


_ssl_context = new ssl::context(ssl::method_sslv3, ssl::role_server);




else //client


_ssl_context = new ssl::context(ssl::method_sslv3, ssl::role_client);



On , Erwin Himawan> wrote:

> You metion that:

> Server loads its server certificate and private key ( self-signed by a CA that I created).


> I would liem to clarify: the server cert is a self signed cert? or the CA cert is a self signed cert?




> If the server cert is a self signed cert, the server is actually the ca, which in this case, the client needs the server slef signed cert.


> If the server is not a self-signed cert, make sure that the ca self-signed cert can verify the server cert. You can use the openssl verify CLI to do this. If you can then give the ca cert to client. If i remember correctly, when you set the verify peer to none, the server does not do cert-based auth on the client. however, tls spec specifies that client must do cert-based auth on the server. so, server must send the client its cert.




> hopefully, my reply make sense.



> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 3:52 PM,> wrote:



> I need some help.






> I am basically stuck and don't know how to fix the handshake and must be missing something.



> Perhaps it is something with the certificates.






> I have a server certificate/privatekey and a CA certificate.






> Server loads its server certificate and private key ( self-signed by a CA that I created).



> The client loads the CA certificate.






> Using memory buffers and blocking IO.






> I begin the handshake by the client intiating hello message.



> The server reads message, and data is put in its ssl output. This is sent back to client.



> The client read the data ( SSL_read) and data it populated in the ssl output. This is sent back to the server. ( it is waiting for more input from server)



> The server reads the data (SSL_read) and nothing is generated in out....but it is waiting for more information from client.






> Basically I am at a stale mate now.



> What information am I missing.



> When I go and look at what state the client is in it say it is UNKWN..........what does this imply????






> Do I need a client certificate even though I have programmed the server to be a VERIFY_PEER_NONE?






> Does anybody have any references/books I can go get to help me with this issue.......I am completely lost and confused.






> Note: I am currently working on windows.





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