On 14 December 2012 10:32, jeetendra gangele <gangele...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But why we need to load the public key for signing the data?
> for signing I need only private key.
> When I load the public and private both key I could sign the data.
> but when I load only private key and calling Key_check function its
> failing.

Well technically of course you never need to explicitly have the public key
if you have the private key - it can always be generated if needed. However
thats not the way the library works. According to the way the library has
been written an EC_KEY object is only valid if it contains either a public
key, or a private/public key pair. If you are going to call
EC_KEY_check_key then you must have a public key present (even if it is
never used for your scenario). The presence of a public key is one of the
first things that EC_KEY_check_key looks for.


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