On 10/01/2013 11:23 PM, Michael Basnight wrote:
> On Oct 1, 2013, at 8:00 AM, Nicholas Chase wrote:
>> On 10/1/2013 10:53 AM, Michael Basnight wrote:
>>> Well this sucks. Im not sure im a fan of renaming it because of the 
>>> previous existence of a package. Renaming is not fun. Ill let the more 
>>> experienced openstack peoples help decide on this...
>> Certainly it's not fun, but wouldn't it be easier to do it NOW, rather than 
>> later?
> Hah, well, it begs the question, why are we _not_ namespacing all
> openstack packages. If you look @ the rpms, they are all namespaced [1].
> IMHO, i wouldnt mind seeing openstack-blah packages. And let me reiterate
>, im not sure changing our name _again_ is the way to go because of a
> conflicting debian package. This wont be a problem for the rpms, because
> they are namespaced (openstack-trove).
> [1] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/openstack-nova

Because the problem is *not* only within the Debian package naming. They
are tight together. The problem is that dh_python2 uses (IMO nicely) the
Python namespace to generate dependencies automatically. If we start
pre-fixing package names, then all sorts of tricks will have to be
added, like debian/pydist_override files and so on, so that we get the
correct python-openstack-NAME package and not python-NAME.

So if you want to prefix things, that's a very good idea, but then the
Python namespace has to also include this prefix (for example, we would
have python-openstack-troveclient as package name, and
openstack-troveclient in the Python namespace).

Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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