On 06/22/2017 11:59 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
My $0.02.

That view of dependencies is why Kubernetes development is outpacing OpenStacks 
and some users are leaving IMO. Not trying to be mean here but trying to shine 
some light on this issue.

Kubernetes at its core has essentially something kind of equivalent to keystone 
(k8s rbac), nova (container mgmt), cinder (pv/pvc/storageclasses), heat with 
convergence (deployments/daemonsets/etc), barbican (secrets), designate 
(kube-dns), and octavia (kube-proxy,svc,ingress) in one unit. Ops dont have to 
work hard to get all of it, users can assume its all there, and devs don't have 
many silo's to cross to implement features that touch multiple pieces.

I think it's kind of hysterical that you're advocating a monolithic approach when the thing you're advocating (k8s) is all about enabling non-monolithic microservices architectures.

Look, the fact of the matter is that OpenStack's mission is larger than that of Kubernetes. And to say that "Ops don't have to work hard" to get and maintain a Kubernetes deployment (which, frankly, tends to be dozens of Kubernetes deployments, one for each tenant/project/namespace) is completely glossing over the fact that by abstracting away the infrastructure (k8s' "cloud provider" concept), Kubernetes developers simply get to ignore some of the hardest and trickiest parts of operations.

So, let's try to compare apples to apples, shall we?

It sounds like the end goal that you're advocating -- more than anything else -- is an easy-to-install package of OpenStack services that provides a Kubernetes-like experience for application developers.

I 100% agree with that goal. 100%.

But pulling Neutron, Cinder, Keystone, Designate, Barbican, and Octavia back into Nova is not the way to do that. You're trying to solve a packaging and installation problem with a code structure solution.

In fact, if you look at the Kubernetes development community, you see the *opposite* direction being taken: they have broken out and are actively breaking out large pieces of the Kubernetes repository/codebase into separate repositories and addons/plugins. And this is being done to *accelerate* development of Kubernetes in very much the same way that splitting services out of Nova was done to accelerate the development of those various pieces of infrastructure code.

This core functionality being combined has allowed them to land features that 
are really important to users but has proven difficult for OpenStack to do 
because of the silo's. OpenStack's general pattern has been, stand up a new 
service for new feature, then no one wants to depend on it so its ignored and 
each silo reimplements a lesser version of it themselves.

I disagree. I believe the reason Kubernetes is able to land features that are "really important to users" is primarily due to the following reasons:

1) The Kubernetes technical leadership strongly resists pressure from vendors to add yet-another-specialized-feature to the codebase. This ability to say "No" pays off in spades with regards to stability and focus.

2) The mission of Kubernetes is much smaller than OpenStack. If the OpenStack community were able to say "OpenStack is a container orchestration system", and not "OpenStack is a ubiquitous open source cloud operating system", we'd probably be able to deliver features in a more focused fashion.

The OpenStack commons then continues to suffer.

We need to stop this destructive cycle.

OpenStack needs to figure out how to increase its commons. Both internally and 
externally. etcd as a common service was a step in the right direction.

I think k8s needs to be another common service all the others can rely on. That 
could greatly simplify the rest of the OpenStack projects as a lot of its 
functionality no longer has to be implemented in each project.

I don't disagree with the goal of being able to rely on Kubernetes for many things. But relying on Kubernetes doesn't solve the "I want some easy-to-install infrastructure" problem. Nor does it solve the types of advanced networking scenarios that the NFV community requires.

We also need a way to break down the silo walls and allow more cross project 
collaboration for features. I fear the new push for letting projects run 
standalone will make this worse, not better, further fracturing OpenStack.

Perhaps you are referring to me with the above? As I said on Twitter, "Make your #OpenStack project usable by and useful for things outside of the OpenStack ecosystem. Fewer deps. Do one thing well. Solid APIs."

I don't think that the above leads to "further fracturing OpenStack". I think it leads to solid, reusable components.


From: Thierry Carrez [thie...@openstack.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 12:58 AM
To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [trove][all][tc] A proposal to rearchitect Trove

Fox, Kevin M wrote:
If you build a Tessmaster clone just to do mariadb, then you share nothing with 
the other communities and have to reinvent the wheel, yet again. Operators load 
increases because the tool doesn't function like other tools.

If you rely on a container orchestration engine that's already cross cloud that 
can be easily deployed by user or cloud operator, and fill in the gaps with 
what Trove wants to support, easy management of db's, you get to reuse a lot of 
the commons and the users slight increase in investment in dealing with the bit 
of extra plumbing in there allows other things to also be easily added to their 
cluster. Its very rare that a user would need to deploy/manage only a database. 
The net load on the operator decreases, not increases.

I think the user-side tool could totally deploy on Kubernetes clusters
-- if that was the only possible target that would make it a Kubernetes
tool more than an open infrastructure tool, but that's definitely a
possibility. I'm not sure work is needed there though, there are already
tools (or charts) doing that ?

For a server-side approach where you want to provide a DB-provisioning
API, I fear that making the functionality depend on K8s would make
TroveV2/Hoard would not only depend on Heat and Nova, but also depend on
something that would deploy a Kubernetes cluster (Magnum?), which would
likely hurt its adoption (and reusability in simpler setups). Since
databases would just work perfectly well in VMs, it feels like a
gratuitous dependency addition ?

We generally need to be very careful about creating dependencies between
OpenStack projects. On one side there are base services (like Keystone)
that we said it was alright to depend on, but depending on anything else
is likely to reduce adoption. Magnum adoption suffers from its
dependency on Heat. If Heat starts depending on Zaqar, we make the
problem worse. I understand it's a hard trade-off: you want to reuse
functionality rather than reinvent it in every project... we just need
to recognize the cost of doing that.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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