On 17-08-29 15:58:55, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2017-08-29 10:30:42 -0500 (-0500), Matthew Thode wrote:
> [...]
> > 3. reversion. Start new versions at 3000 or something, kinda
> > dirty imo.
> And sort of a 3.1 option is to prepend a PEP 440 version epoch:
>     https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/#version-epochs
> Challenge there is that, while Git can handle a ! in a tag name, PBR
> doesn't know to sort that after implicit 0 epochs nor does a lot of
> our release automation have the ability to cope with version epochs
> and adding support for them would entail a lot of careful work and
> thorough testing. Also having upstream epochs could wreak havoc with
> downstream distro package maintainers, look confusing in
> tarball/wheel filenames (hopefully all modern platforms are at least
> not going to break when there's a ! in a filename), and so on.
> The concerns were touched on in this thread from 2015 when the
> versioning changes were going into effect:
>     http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-July/069085.html
> Pretty unlikely to happen if you ask me. I'm just bringing it up
> preemptively since odds are someone else with less history/memory of
> the scenarios we discussed back then is likely to bring it up as a
> silver bullet solution otherwise.
> -- 
> Jeremy Stanley

I almost mentioned that, but as you said, the barrier to entry there is
so high.

Matthew Thode

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