On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 05:04:58PM +0200, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> Tony Breeds wrote:
> > An extension to this would be to check for other items in the same boat.
> > I wrote [1] to find anything in the openstack namespace that isn't a
> > service and has something that looks like a date based release on pypi.
> > [...]
> Thanks for computing the list. Unpublishing is a bit of a trade-off --
> in the networking-hyperv case the pain resulting from the people using
> pip to install it (and complaining about the situation) ends up being
> bigger than the pain of unpublishing it... So I'm not sure we should
> necessarily proactively unpublish everything in the same boat
> (especially if nobody asks for it). In particular, we should definitely
> *not* do it for anything that's not an official OpenStack deliverable.

Okay I could tweak the tool to only check for repos that are in
openstack/governance:reference/projects.yaml  but it looks like you've
already done that translation in your head ;P

> That leaves us with:
> Official libraries (python-congressclient, python-designateclient) for
> which I think we should proactively fix them ASAP.
> Other official things (mistral-extra, networking-odl, murano-dashboard,
> networking-hyperv, networking-midonet, sahara-image-elements,
> freezer-api, murano-agent, mistral-dashboard, sahara-dashboard) for
> which we should fix them if pip is a reasonable way of installing them
> (after asking the local PTL if that's alright).

Cool.  If we don't get any traction here can use the PTG to find PTLs ;P

I assume it's infra that needs to do the actual unpublish?

Yours Tony.

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