So finally tried running a devstack instance on Fedora 20: rootwrap failed on the cinder stage of the install. So I scaled back to a Keystone only install.

[fedora@ayoung-f20 devstack]$ cat localrc

This failed starting the Keystone server with two module dependencies missing: first was dogpile.cache, and second was lxml. I installed both with Yum and devstack completed with Keystone up and running: I was able to fetch a token.

Dogpile is in the requirements.txt file, but not in the list of RPMS to install for devstack. I tried adding it to devstack/files/rpms. lxml was already in there: Neither was installed.

(requirements.txt state that Keystone needs dogpile.cache >= 0.5.0 which is what F20 has in Yum)

What am I missing here?

[fedora@ayoung-f20 devstack]$ git diff
diff --git a/files/rpms/keystone b/files/rpms/keystone
index 52dbf47..deed296 100644
--- a/files/rpms/keystone
+++ b/files/rpms/keystone
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+python-dogpile-cache #dist:f20
-python-lxml         #dist:f16,f17,f18,f19
+python-lxml         #dist:f16,f17,f18,f19,f20
 python-paste        #dist:f16,f17,f18,f19
 python-paste-deploy #dist:f16,f17,f18,f19
 python-paste-script #dist:f16,f17,f18,f19

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