
I am writing to request voting rights for the Tail-f CI account. This runs
tests for the Tail-f NCS ML2 mechanism driver in Neutron.

This account has been non-votingly testing ML2 changes and posting results
since June 10th. It has made around 500 test runs in that time. I am
monitoring its operation daily.

The recent changes that it has posted results for are here:

The top level logs directory is here:

We reviewed its output in the 3rd party meeting last week. Two issues were
- Using an IP address instead of a DNS name. That's now corrected.
- Running only a small set of Tempest tests. I'm working on expanding that
(in a separate staging environment.)

The account has a rich history :-). Initially we brought it online back
around Nov 2013 early in the Icehouse cycle. That didn't work out so well:
we had a bunch of operational issues and as OpenStack newbies we were
oblivious to the impact they had on other people's workflows -- we were
mortified to learn that we had created a disruption. Since then we have
been more conservative which is why the account was mostly idle until June.

I reckon we have a pretty good understanding of the expectations on CI
operators now and I would like to enable the voting permission.

I have recently developed a new CI daemon that I hope to migrate this
account over to in the future:


NB: Last week we had a half-dozen or so errors due to the infamous "ansible
versioning" issue. I didn't retrigger all of those since this was a
widespread issue and our CI wasn't voting.
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