On 22 July 2014 11:06, Luke Gorrie <l...@tail-f.com> wrote:

> End of Part One.

Let's skip Part Two. That is just more frustration.

Let's talk about Part Three in which we all do awesome CI hacking in Juno
together :-).

Here is what I want to achieve in Juno:

NFV CI: Myself and my colleagues are developing the open source Neutron
networking for Deutsche Telekom's TeraStream project (and we want to bring
up a CI that tests this configuration. That will exercise new and
exciting-for-NFV features of QEMU, Libvirt, Nova, and Neutron. This should
serve several purposes: making TeraStream a success story for OpenStack and
Neutron, making the whole design easy to replicate for other users (it's
already open source), and providing test coverage for more OpenStack
features. (Good stuff for everybody, I hope! More info:

People: I want to onboard great new open source hackers into the OpenStack
community and get them contributing to CI. I am right now bringing new
people up to speed on OpenStack development and working with them on
bringing up our NFV CI this month.

shellci: I want to make shellci a practical alternative for CI operators
whose style is more screen+bash+awk than jenkins+zuul+nodepool. The
development is already done, and it works great in my own tests, so now we
plan to battle test it on the NFV CI. (link:

Tail-f NCS: I want to keep this feature well maintained and compliant with
all the rules. I am the person who wrote this driver originally, I have
been the responsible person for 90% of its lifetime, I am the person who
setup the current CI, and I am the one responsible for smooth operation of
that CI. I am reviewing its results with my morning coffee and have been
doing so for the past 6 weeks. I would like to have it start voting and I
believe that it and I are ready for that. I am responsive to email, I am
usually on IRC (lukego), and in case of emergency you can SMS/call my
mobile on +41 79 244 32 17.

So... Let's be friends again? (and do ever cooler stuff in Kilo?)

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