Thank you for your quick response.

On Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:12 PM, Nejc Saje wrote:
> I don't think there's any way the modules you mention in the BP can be
> moved into ceilometerclient. I think the best approach to resolve this
> would be to rewrite swift middleware to use oslo.messaging
> notifications, as discussed here:
> html

I understand your point that solve almost unnecessary dependencies. I would 
to make sure that remained the dependencies of context and timeutils after 
Does the rewriting include removing the dependencies?

=== copy from the BP ===
61 from ceilometer.openstack.common import context
62 from ceilometer.openstack.common import timeutils
63 from ceilometer import pipeline
64 from ceilometer import sample
65 from ceilometer import service

On the other hand, I'm really interested in the mail thread you pointed out:D

Best Regards,
Hisashi Osanai

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