>It was also proposed to reuse openstackclient or the openstack SDK.

Openstack SDK was proposed a long time ago(it looks like it was several
cycles ago) as "alternative" for cliutils and apiclient, but I don't know
any client which use it yet. Maybe openstacksdk cores should try to port
any client as an example of how their project should be used.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Victor Stinner <vstin...@redhat.com>

> Hi,
> At Tokyo, we discussed quickly what to do with cliutils.py of
> oslo-incubator, but for me the plan is not really concrete.
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-oslo-incubator-cleanup
> I don't like dims' suggestion to move code inside clients, it means
> duplicating 280 lines of python in 11 clients.
> It was also proposed to reuse openstackclient or the openstack SDK. I
> don't understand how novaclient can use openstackclient, since
> openstackclient depends on python-novaclient... The OpenStack SDK project
> is also a large library no? (I don't know well the OpenStack SDK project.)
> I would prefer to move cliutils.py to oslo.utils. Only 3 clients use
> cliutils.py but don't depend on oslo.utils yet. The 8 remaining clients
> using cliutils.py already depends on oslo.utils.
> An alternative is to create yet another oslo library. But it means
> creating a library for a single file of 280 lines.
> What do you think?
> --
> On 29 "python-*client" projects, I found 11 clients using cliutils.py:
> python-ceilometerclient
> python-cloudkittyclient
> python-heatclient
> python-ironicclient
> python-magnumclient
> python-manilaclient
> python-mistralclient
> python-novaclient
> python-saharaclient
> python-solumclient
> python-tuskarclient
> 9 clients are almost synchronized with oslo-incubator: only the new
> optional 'dict_value' parameter of the print_list() function is missing,
> not a big deal (since the parameter is optional, it doesn't break the API).
> magnumclient and mistralclient have larger changes.
> magnumclient adds a recursive keys_and_vals_to_strs() function which casts
> all dictionary keys and values to string. We may copy this feature in the
> upstream code (oslo incubator), it makes sense to me.
> cliutils.py of mistralclient looks outdated, but a find_resource()
> function was also added. We can move find_resource() out of cliutils.py, to
> put it somewhere in mistralclient.
> On the 11 clients using cliutils.py, 8 depend oslo.utils, whereas 3 don't.
> Victor
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