Fox, Kevin M wrote:
I think its kind of in the same vein as the rest of the openstack services. It 
might, (and probably will) work with n-1&  n services in the same system. But 
it all depends on either:
1. The things that are actually tested
2. Luck

I've been testing the kolla-kubernetes deployment tools with 2.0.x containers 
and 3.0.x containers, so those should work. any other combination might work 
but I no idea if they actually will work as its untested.

More gate testing would help and be welcome. :)


Agreed on gate testing, I'm just not sure the general direction people would want. I've done cross n-1 and n and n-2 and such and jinja2 templates start to have a bunch of if conditions to handle specific releases peculiarities.

As far as 2.0.x containers and 3.0.x containers, what version of openstack projects compose 2.0.x, is there a mapping of something like:

  - nova:
     branches_supported: [stable/newton]
  - glance:
     branches_supported: [stable/newton, stable/mitaka]

Or is it just assumed that the mapping is sorta known? Unsure quite how to correlate a given kolla release to what underlying projects it can build into images or deploy or manage (is this online somewhere, or do I just have to dig through the code) :-P


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