Hi everyone,

As I mentioned at the infrastructure meeting yesterday[0], we are
almost ready to launch the production Zanata server
(translate.openstack.org). I have a week long trip starting this
Friday night so I'm sharing my plans here so clarkb, StevenK and
others can continue the work while I'm gone. I'm Cc:ing the
translations team on this message so they are kept in the loop.

First of all, timeline-wise we're aiming to get this in the hands of
the translators by the week of September 7th so they have time to do
their work before the Liberty release.

We have a few improvements to installation that we still need to work out:

1. Switch to archive module for server installation (change here:

2. Switch to archive module for client installation (I'll get that
change proposed today)

3. Figure out why Wildfly 9.1 isn't being installed and used (instead
of 8.1 that we began with), in spite of changing the download link
(it's being downloaded) and upgrading the puppet-wildfly module
(Steve: you've doven into the latest changes in the puppet-wildfly
module, perhaps you're in a good place to look at this?)

This should all be finished in the next couple days and we can then
launch translate.openstack.org

Beyond raw server launching, there are a few other things that we need
to make sure happen:

1. Work with Carlos to get instructions for properly importing the
user database to the new server (I've Cc:ed him here, we need this

2. Work with Daisy to make sure there are cut-over instructions from
Transifex to Zanata, and if there's anything we need to do (we should
make a plan, even if the exact date is not clear)

3. Generally make sure everything on our script side of things is
going well (StevenK has done an amazing job with these so I'm not

4. Make sure we have imported everything we need. AJaeger will be
traveling some too, but had the following to say:

"First priority would be that the translators can translate. So, this
means pushing source strings to Zanata (at least once initially) and
getting them working is most important. Then the regular update after
each change (which should be working fine already). Importing in the
projects can wait a few days, there's no harm if that one stops for a
week or two since we do not lose time this way.

For translation the most important project is horizon with it's friends"

I think that's it. I'll do my best to check in and reply to email and
IRC pings while I'm traveling, but some things may need to wait until
I'm back at my hotel in the [US east coast] evening. I'll be back the
[US west coast] night of Sunday, September 6th. The 7th is a holiday
in the US, but I'll be available if we have unexpected problems to
work through.

Thanks everyone.

[0] Starting 19:19:

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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