Hi Elizabeth, I will get working on some instructions for the migration of the 
user data.

Just to be clear, I'm assuming that what you want migrated is:
- List of languages
- List of users and open id's
- User's memberships to language teams
- User's permissions and roles (this includes admins and such)

No other data will be migrated. Please let me know if there's something I'm 



Carlos A. Munoz
Software Engineering Supervisor
Engineering - Internationalization
Red Hat
On 08/27/2015 02:34 AM, Elizabeth K. Joseph wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> As I mentioned at the infrastructure meeting yesterday[0], we are
> almost ready to launch the production Zanata server
> (translate.openstack.org). I have a week long trip starting this
> Friday night so I'm sharing my plans here so clarkb, StevenK and
> others can continue the work while I'm gone. I'm Cc:ing the
> translations team on this message so they are kept in the loop.
> First of all, timeline-wise we're aiming to get this in the hands of
> the translators by the week of September 7th so they have time to do
> their work before the Liberty release.
> We have a few improvements to installation that we still need to work out:
> 1. Switch to archive module for server installation (change here:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/192901/)
> 2. Switch to archive module for client installation (I'll get that
> change proposed today)
> 3. Figure out why Wildfly 9.1 isn't being installed and used (instead
> of 8.1 that we began with), in spite of changing the download link
> (it's being downloaded) and upgrading the puppet-wildfly module
> (Steve: you've doven into the latest changes in the puppet-wildfly
> module, perhaps you're in a good place to look at this?)
> This should all be finished in the next couple days and we can then
> launch translate.openstack.org
> Beyond raw server launching, there are a few other things that we need
> to make sure happen:
> 1. Work with Carlos to get instructions for properly importing the
> user database to the new server (I've Cc:ed him here, we need this
> 2. Work with Daisy to make sure there are cut-over instructions from
> Transifex to Zanata, and if there's anything we need to do (we should
> make a plan, even if the exact date is not clear)
> 3. Generally make sure everything on our script side of things is
> going well (StevenK has done an amazing job with these so I'm not
> worried)
> 4. Make sure we have imported everything we need. AJaeger will be
> traveling some too, but had the following to say:
> "First priority would be that the translators can translate. So, this
> means pushing source strings to Zanata (at least once initially) and
> getting them working is most important. Then the regular update after
> each change (which should be working fine already). Importing in the
> projects can wait a few days, there's no harm if that one stops for a
> week or two since we do not lose time this way.
> For translation the most important project is horizon with it's friends"
> I think that's it. I'll do my best to check in and reply to email and
> IRC pings while I'm traveling, but some things may need to wait until
> I'm back at my hotel in the [US east coast] evening. I'll be back the
> [US west coast] night of Sunday, September 6th. The 7th is a holiday
> in the US, but I'll be available if we have unexpected problems to
> work through.
> Thanks everyone.
> [0] Starting 19:19:
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-08-25-19.00.log.html

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