> About GlusterFS, I found a blog talked about Gluster limitation and
> want to share it with others:
> https://shellycloud.com/blog/2013/09/why-glusterfs-should-not-be-implemented-with-openstack

It's unfortunate that that blog post appears in so many gluster+openstack
google searches.

As per the comments in that blog: It's full of inaccuracies. For example,
the blog mentions the inability to snapshot a volume. I believe the author
is confusing native Gluster snapshotting versus snapshotting in OpenStack.

Please see this Cinder driver matrix and you will see that Gluster is a
fully functional driver:


I'm definitely not trying to push Gluster. If Ceph works for you, that's
awesome. But I just wanted to comment on the inaccuracies of that blog post.
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