On Jan 30, 2015, at 3:17 PM, Jesse Keating <j...@bluebox.net> wrote:

> On 1/30/15 1:08 PM, Everett Toews wrote:
>> Project: A client dealing with the API already knows what project
>> (service) they’re dealing with. Including this in an API error message
>> would be redundant. That’s not necessarily so bad and it could actually
>> be convenient for client logging purposes to have this there.
> Is this really true though? When your interaction with nova is being thwarted 
> by a problem with keystone, wouldn't the end user want to see the keystone 
> name in there as a helpful breadcrumb as to where the problem actually lies?

Once I have the token from Keystone, I’ll be talking directly to the services. 
So either something goes wrong with Keystone and I get no token or I get a 
token and talk directly to a service. Either way a client knows who it's 
talking to.

I suppose one possible case outside of that is token revocation. If I’m talking 
to a service and the token gets revoked, does the error originate in Keystone? 
I’m not really sure.


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