Hi all,

I have a strange problem with Wi-Fi connections to two somewhat different 
Access Points.
Both use the same configuration in "YaST network", apart from SSID and IP 
address. Still the connection does succeed with one AP, but to the other AP it 
always fails.

Using "iwlist wlan0 scan" the only obvious difference is that one reports to 
use CCMP, the one which succeeds, and the other uses TKIP, which does not 

In the information I found on the Internet I see that the configuration for 
wpa_supplicant may contain information about the support/use of these 
protocols. However the file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf does not 
contain this information, but the process wpa_supplicant has been started with 
the -u option, which enables a DBus control interface. So I assume that this 
kind of information will be supplied by wicked. However I can't find if TKIP 
is supported in openSUSE 13.2 for the the Raspberry Pi.

Any information?


Freek de Kruijf

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