Am Montag, 13. März 2006 17:03 schrieb houghi:
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 04:29:05PM +0100, Adrian Schröter wrote:
> > The same would also apply for python or bash scripts for example, which
> > also run as python $somepath/ . No one complained here so far.
> > .exe is only the logical consequence when you run apps which comes from a
> > windows enviroment and there is .exe the right suffix.
> No, it is not the right suffix. It is not importand where it came from. It
> is importand what it is doing now and wether it follow Linux logic.
> If I see I know it will run with Linux once I have python
> installed. If I see program.exe, I know that it does NOT run with Linux.
> Again, the extention is there for the benefit of the user. *.exe confuses
> people and will make them take the wrong action, like not running the
> program or deleting the program.
> For Linux no suffix is the right suffix.
> houghi

Agreed, if I hadn't read this thread and I saw a .exe hanging around I would 
assume it got "lost" somewhere along the line from one of my Samba shares and 
delete it or move it to the samba share area.

If it had no extension or .mono I wouldn't worry about it. The problem is .exe 
is so obviously a DOS/Windows program and nothing to do with Linux that most 
users will probably delete it or otherwise assume it has no place being where 
it is (is it some sort of Windows virus that has managed to sneak its way 
onto the machine somehow etc.).

You probably wouldn't have all the people ranting about it being SUSE XP home 

Now I know what it is, it is going to be even more confusing, how do I tell if 
it is a misplaced windows exe or a Linux mono exe without running it?

"I got to go figure," the tenant said. "We all got to figure. There's some way 
to stop this. It's not like lightning or earthquakes. We've got a bad thing 
made by men, and by God that's something we can change."
- The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck

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