On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 12:23:11PM -0500, Joseph M. Gaffney wrote:
> +1.  Pretty offensive, and imho, belittling the issue at hand.

Seems otherwise people don't get it.

> It does go against standard naming practices.  Though perhaps I should just 
> go 

No, it does not.  PE executable files are used to be named *.EXE although this
is not a technical requirement but as long as this does not interfere with
usage there is no need to change this practice.  And actually it does not
interfere with system usage because the user never has to call this binary

> edit my linux.ini and rc.bat?

Exactly _that's_ the point. If some people see something they associate with
Microsoft, they run cracy like a short-tempered bull. Either they learn to see
the world in a more technical objective way or they are likely to earn more
sarcastic comments like the one above.

If your aim is to destroy anything related to Microsoft you have a _really_
long way to go, but if you waste your time whining about file name extensions
then you will stumble already before doing the first step.


Robert Schiele                  Tel.: +49-621-181-2214
Dipl.-Wirtsch.informatiker      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."

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