> Hi!
> I'd suggest not to release 10.1 unless ready. The damage of a bad release
> will chase away a lot of people from SuSE, and from Linux in general.
> The current state seems "alpha" to me: It's not clear what the final
> features should be, and it's still full with bugs.
> It would be a real surprise if all these bugs vanish automagically until
> release.
> Just my personal optinion.
> Regards,
> Ulrich

Have to give this an +1, I am sorry. I have a busy life and cannot (not with 
my knowledge) post error-logs all the time. Some serious bugs are at this 
moment on-hold because another dude and I can't deliver those files fast 
enough (have little time today so I'll try). Concerning problems with 
internet-installation and PC-freeze when Setup tries to find my 
monitor-resolution. Even now, beta 8, my monitor goes blank at the end off 
the installation cause Sax2 is gonna find the resolution on it's own.

Taking the libzypp/ZEN problems with it (and all those other bugs) and there 
is still a lot off work to do. Maybe reschedule does look bad when it hits 
the news, but having new users with broken systems and 200mb patches at new 
install does not look a good solution to me.

Just my personal optinion.


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