Marcus Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> One question we have is how the new tools rug, zen-updater and zmd
>> compare to what we had before with YaST Online Update and
>> suseWatcher. We are interested in every feedback ranging from
>> architecture, design or used standards and their enhancements.
> It should be possible to disable and remove the whole ZMD stuff
> and still be able to work from commandline.
> For this is missing:
> - commandline installation source management (installation_sources equiv.)
> - commandline package installation (basically the yast -i pkg thing)
> - commandline online update (online_update equiv.)

I think the question here is even greater: Do we really need a daemon?

+ daemon helps with remote management
+ is fast (not the case with zmd if zmd is sleeping)

+ needs resources running (zmd needs less resources if it's sleeping)

What else?

 Andreas Jaeger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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