On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 07:31:42AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> As I already said I believe something along these lines would be useful to
> users even if only used in conjunction with the build service and existing
> suse packaging projects. It would of course be even more beneficial if
> many people used it, but there is no way of knowing whether anyone would
> adopt it. I have pointed you at projects that have done similar things and
> been very successful, yet you still think it is unworkable.

The way you sugested it, it should be a solution for all $PROGS. I think
that is unusable. Some projects will be able to pull it off. The majority

> Do you have any ideas of alternative ways in which this problem might be
> solved, which doesn't involve users having to learn what repositories are
> and how to add them.

No, because repositories are still needed. What COULD be done is have
something like .torrent on wich you click and the repo is to be added.
e.g. http://packman.mirror.example.com/somedir/suse10_1.repo
or repo://packman.mirror.example.com/somedir/suse10_1 if you just want to
point to a directory with not much fuss.

So make it easier for the repo's to be added. That might solve some
problems, but not all.
houghi          http://houghi.org       http://www.plainfaqs.org/linux/
>               Today I went outside. My pupils have never been tinier...

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