On Sat, 3 Jun 2006, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:

> > We have two source DVDs lying around -- but as of now they didn't get 
> > pushed out to the mirrors. And I'd actually prefer to just offer .jigdo 
> > files for those, as the .src.rpms are in the ftp anyway.
> From a mirroring point of view, some jiggledy-scripty which downloads
> the files and reconstructs the DVDs would make very good sense. Looks 
> like jigdo does just that, are the source dvd jigdo files online yet?
> How is disk integrity handled? ISO md5 isn't going to do it as long as
> mkisofs always puts the mastering time into the iso.

jigdo is capable of creating binary-identical ISOs. Please refer to 
/usr/share/doc/packages/jigdo/TechDetails.txt (part of the jigdo package) 
for the details.

Those jigdo files aren't online (yet).


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