James Oakley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wednesday 12 July 2006 9:41 am, Klaus Kaempf wrote:
>> * Glenn Holmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Jul 12. 2006 12:54]:
>> > On Wednesday 12 July 2006 04:18, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
>> > > * Patterns can be grouped into roles, like "Development" or
>> > > "Desktop". * Patterns can require other patterns
>> >
>> > Will there be a way to have alternate choices, e.g. if you select
>> > "Database Server" you can choose between MySQL and Postgres, or either
>> > if you select "Java Development" you can choose between NetBeans and
>> > Eclipse?
>> Yes, this could be done.
>> However, depending on whom you ask, people will love or hate
>> such questions.
> Actually, I think this can be used to take some of the drudgery out of the 
> package selections.
> I end up going through all of groups to make sure that I get all of the 
> packages I need, but if a pattern can select packages based on other selected 
> patterns, I could spend far less time on it.
> If I select "Database/PostgreSQL" alone, it will install the server and 
> client, but if I also have "Development/C and C++" and "Development/Python" 
> selected, postgresql-devel and postgresql-python will also be installed.
> Similarly, if I select "Desktop Environments/KDE" it will install a basic KDE 
> system, but if I also have "Hardware/TV Capture" it will also install kwintv.
> You could also use this to select tasks independently of the desktop 
> environment. If you select "Productivity/Chat" and you have KDE and GNOME 
> selected, you would get Konversation and XChat, but if you just have KDE, you 
> would just get Konversation.
> I think that could be very powerful.

You got it ;-).  It's really powerful and you could do such stuff.

The question is do we want to do it this way?  It makes it difficult
to maintain them...

If people like this, let's make a full proposal...

 Andreas Jaeger, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.suse.de/~aj/
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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