On Fri, 11 Aug 2006, Dominique Leuenberger wrote:

> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10-08-2006 19:36 >>>
> >1.9 Reply-To munging
> >--------------------
> >We do not "munge" the mail headers by inserting a "Reply-To:
> ><listname>@opensuse.org" anymore because it makes it more difficult
> >subscribers to handle the mail the way they want to.  Your mail
> client
> >probably has a "reply" function as well as a "reply to all" or "reply
> to
> >list" one; Please use the latter if you want you message to go to the
> >list and not just to the original poster.
> Hi,
> That's in fact something I will really miss in the near future. It was
> so conveniant to be able just to reply to a message and not to worry
> that the reply went to the mailing list.
> Most of the time exactlythis IS the requested feature. In very rare
> circumstances, users want and should reply to the auther itself. Even if
> it's about a technical question, a solution for a specific problem:
> still the community and future users might be interested in a solution,
> especially when googling, they might have chances to find it.
> What do others think about this on that list?

(reply-to should go to the list) + 1

Andreas Vetter                          Tel: +49 (0)931 888-5890
Fakultaet fuer Physik und Astronomie    Fax: +49 (0)931 888-5508
Universitaet Wuerzburg

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