>--- Thu, Oct 26     openSUSE 10.2 Beta1 release (feature complete)
>--- Thu, Nov  9     openSUSE 10.2 Beta2 release
>--- Thu, Nov 23     openSUSE 10.2 RC1 release
>--- Thu, Nov 30     openSUSE 10.2 GM release
>--- Thu, Dec  7     openSUSE 10.2 public release

Hello? Hello? What did we learn from the last SUSE Linux edition?

1.) Never change features in beta 3
2.) Work until everything is fixed despite stores waiting

1.) It can't happen again, we have planned 2 beta's.....
Is this a real solution?

I would rather see a list as followed:

Thu, Oct 26     openSUSE 10.2 Beta1 release (feature complete)
Thu, Nov  9     openSUSE 10.2 Beta2 release
Thu, Nov  16     openSUSE 10.2 Beta3 release  << notice only 1 week
Thu, Nov 30     openSUSE 10.2 RC1 release
Thu, Dec 7     openSUSE 10.2 RC2 release << notice only one week
Thu, Dec 21    openSUSE 10.2 GM release (or the 14th)
Thu, Dec  28     openSUSE 10.2 public release (or the 21th)

2-3 more weeks dev-time and 1 extra beta and 1 extra RC. It will probably come 
to that after all so let's just plan it right away. I know we won't have 
zen-shit this time but we don't have to hurry. If there are no 
blockers/showstoppers anymore there are little things that can be fixed.

Vista will come out around begin 2007 and websites will compare both. Let's 
make sure we win the contest by having all those irritating little bugs 
smashed also (and certainly the big ones).

We don't have to hurry, we have to deliver quality.

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