Perhaps i should enter it as a requested enhancement ;-)

When wanting a bare minimal system, (by selecting text-mode only)
i expect a real-minimum, however....

I find a lot of packages installed, which might be very nice and
helpfull, but i did not select them. they are in three catagories:

a) nice be not requested:
like tcpdump.
This is something a often select, but it should be included into the
catagorie of "power-tools for experienced users", not default.

b) not wanted.
If i want printing, i will select them:
cups, cups-drivers, cups-libs, gutenberg, yats2-print should belong to a

c) waste of time/disk space
hardware scan should know what kind of hardware there is.
Why of why is yast2-scanner, yast2-irda, xfs-tools, dos-stuff

My MOBO does not have a sound-card: so why do i get alsa?
(new sound-thread)

All of these packages are probaly nice for some people to have.
But there are also lots of people who don't need them.

Reasoning is this.
Either if i select a packages manually, or it it gets installed by
default, i have to claryfy its presence with an security officer.
Same if its gets installed by default, i i decide to get rid of it.

I rather have it not installed unless the it is really needed,

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