
first: there's another issue: I could not register while update ("None 
of the installed products can be registered at the Novell registration 
-> bugreport?

Am Sonntag, 26. November 2006 17:02 schrieb Juan Erbes:
> 2006/11/26, Christian Boltz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Installation sources: Factory tree and inst-source-extra from
> > yesterday, which should be newer than RC1.
> How has You made the update, online, or via CDs?
> Because online I could'nt make the update.

I have mirrored Factory and -extra (with several --exclude's) and added 
the install kernel and initrd to my grub menu.


Christian Boltz
    absurd lange Worte die man nicht umbrechen darf
                                     [David Haller]
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