
On Saturday 25 November 2006 19:35, Alexey Eremenko wrote:
> Hi all !
> As 10.2 release nears I think into future - 10.3 features - and I
> would like to request massive updates in Yast - that is - new modules
> that I would like to see:
> 1. Swap Manager (Yast GUI to manage swap files & partitions)
> 2. FTP Server (Yast GUI to manage vsFTPd)
> 3. SSH Server (Yast GUI to manage openssh)
> 4. NX Server (Yast GUI to manage FreeNX terminal server, based on ssh)
> 5. Sax3D (Yast/Sax GUI to manage XGL/AIGLX & Compiz for 3D Desktop Effects)

Before you start writing any new module, please, get in touch with someone 
from the YaST team in SUSE in order to check that the module is notbeing 
developed by us and won't appear in next Alpha snapshot ;-) AFAIK FTP server 
module is already being developed (but don't know the state of it ATM). SSH 
server module is being used as example in the YaST tutorial.

> Those modules are really *very* needed by the SUSE community.
> Unfortunately I don't know YCP to program those modules myself, so I
> ask those, who can do it. The documentation I found is very scarse &
> poor, disallowing me to write anything useful - anything beyond "Hello
> World" in YCP.

The tutorial at forge (see 
http://forgeftp.novell.com/yast/doc/SLES10/tutorials/index.html) might be 
good starting poing.


Jiri Srain
YaST Team Leader
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