On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 16:03 +0100, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
> Klaus Kaempf wrote:
> > As written before, I'd see such tools as convenience applications.
> > 
> > Maybe we should define the purpose and application of such a 'base'
> > pattern first.
> > Is it for
> > 1. installing a really minimal but somewhat usable system via CD/DVD ?
> yes.
> > 2. running a (Xen) virtual guest ?
> yes.
> > 3. running a chroot environment ?
> Hmm ...
> > For 1., a minimal YaST or zypper would be essential, I agree.
> Yep.  I think it should install something roughly comparable to the
> rescue system (plus zypper to install packages and fetch security updates).
> > For 2. or 3. a bash prompt would probably be sufficient (plus a
> > way to install the application you want to run virtualized.)
> Xen: no.  You don't use xen guests just to boot to the bash prompt,
> usually you want to do something useful with them.  So you need some
> convinent way to install software.  You also want security updates for
> them.  I don't see how xen guests are that much different than a minimum
> system on real hardware.
> chroot: very much depends on what you plan to do with it.  The chroots
> which are created for running daemons in there (named, dhcpd, ...) are
> smaller than any package on the distro ;)  For building packages you
> don't need network, but some other tools such as make and a compiler.
> cheers,
>   Gerd

You need to "slim-down" on two fronts:
Disk-space and/or memory
There are a number of tiny (live) distro's that whould run happily from
a CD and are full featured graphical desktop, with OO.o, firefox,
NX/VNC, gaim,.... 
Which should be able to have it on a 1GB usb-pendrive !!!
While one could use all the mem there is.

On the other hand, for XEN, you want to cut down on mem. Good examples
for DOM-u's are:
-temporary compile engine
You want to run those images with as little mem as needed
At 10.0, i could have those running with as little as 128 MB, with still
unclaimed memory. Now, with 10.2, 512 is hardly enough :(
Here, disk-space if often not such a problem (SAN/NAS)

When thinking of embedded system, then you have to slim down on both...

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