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The Friday 2007-03-02 at 23:15 +0100, Marcus Meissner wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 10:52:25PM +0100, Alberto Passalacqua wrote:


> > Both DE should be considered as alternatives, not as rivals. I do myself
> > this mistake, I know. But it's really annoying to read "Use KDE" or "Use
> > a KDE app" when a user asks for help about GNOME.
> And WHY NOT? KDE apps work in GNOME, GNOME apps work in KDE.
> I use GIMP regulary. I use Firefox occasionaly. Under KDE.

I use both gnome and kde, and apps from one in the other: for instance, 
konqueror or kbabel or amarok in gnome, gimp or firefox anywehere. Why 

> The problem in general is that our GNOME developers work more on
> the enterprise desktop , while the KDE guys work more on the openSUSE
> snapshots, for above reasons.

IMO, the kde croud seems to be very vociferous when they think SUSE is 
tilting just a triffle to gnome. There are also many SuSE users, like me, 
that like gnome: we just keep quiet ;-)

So, please, keep the good work done with KDE, but also do not forget Gnome 
and try to make it be buggless. Even if it is not "shiny", we would very 
much like it to at least work, without _big_ bugs.

For instance, a forthnight ago I reported #246956 and it hasn't even been 
asigned to anybody (gconf using the wrong user: seems important to me). 
About a year ago I reported #169993, and it seems to be solved in 10.3, 
I've been told; but seemly there was no activity for a long time till I 
reported it again fo 10.2 as #248097. Tonight I reported #251129... I hope 
to hear something about it before version 11.5 ;-)

- -- 
       Carlos E. R.
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