Hi all

I have been trying to get LTSP 5 working on SUSE lately and the very
initial test packages are up.

Download and install kiwi-desc-ltsp > 0.1.9 from here:


You also require kiwi, kiwi-desc-netboot and kiwi-pxeboot from:


Change the installation path (/mnt/iso) to your installation path.

Run as root "sh /usr/share/kiwi/image/kwltsp-suse-10.2/setup-ltsp.sh"

If everything goes right this script should setup /opt/ltsp/suse,
/etc/exports, sshkeys and netboot images.

Follow the output on screen.

PXE booting the client should get a LTSP Display Manager through which
you can log in using any account created on the server. You also
require to setup dhcp and a/tftp server.

You would need ssh server running, no running X required on the server.

The real work of porting all the LTSP 5 scripts to SUSE will start
now, for that I require help.

Have a lot of fun

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