On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 17:25 +0200, M9. wrote:

> We see that the suggestion to create a serious partitioner, like PQ
> Partition Magic was not so bad at all.
> I constantly run into problems, because it is much too difficult too
> change the sizes of existing partitions.

I would suggest using LVM!

> Now, one has too back-up his/her home, throw away all partitions, and
> start all over again.

What's wrong with that?
> More logic would be: Load the files nessesary to create what is needed
> first, (the room for the system, and i am still convinced, that there
> are seperate partitions needed, for: /boot,/,/opt,/usr,/var, (and evt
> /tmp), swap, and /home.) and then, one should be able to change sizes,
> without having to delete /home.

The systems i have to manage, have seperate /boot (normally not mounted)
/usr and /opt (both mounted RO),
seperate /tmp, /var, /var/log, /srv, /tmp and /home.
> It must be possible to reduce the size of /home, if more room for fi:
> /boot, /usr, and/or /var is needed.
Create them at minimum, and resize them when needed
> I realy mean that it is totaly anoying, not being able to change your
> available room, without spending hours to back-up the data you want to
> save..

As said, use LVM

with lvm+reiser you can enlarge them on-the-fly, but have to unmount
them for shrinking

> I simply can not understand that nobody else finds this nessesary.
(Some people only create root-partition and root-user ;-()
> Have a nice day,
Same to you,
Final remark, for small partitions (<100MB) use ext3, not reiserfs
And for those that never change (usr, opt) journaling is not needed.

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