Hans Witvliet wrote:

> As said, use LVM
> with lvm+reiser you can enlarge them on-the-fly, but have to unmount
> them for shrinking

Seconded, though my preference is for ext3 - downside is the annoying
tendency to do a full check just when you least want it, but on the plus
side it seems more tolerant of dirty umounts

>> Have a nice day,
> Same to you,
> Final remark, for small partitions (<100MB) use ext3, not reiserfs

Surely you mean ext2?

> And for those that never change (usr, opt) journaling is not needed.

A good point, though presumably journalling has little effect on read
performance so the main effect is a small loss of capacity.

I thought ext3 was the default now on OSL? FWIW, I'd like to see LVM by
default too.

Final comment - if changes are made to the YaST partitioner, could I
propose a 'newbie' (simple) mode button:

defaults when set: swap plus single / ext3 partition;
defaults when unset: LVM, separate /boot (ext2), /home (ext3), swap, ...

Richard (MQ)

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