On 5/26/07, Sid Boyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Alexey Eremenko wrote:
> Hi all !
> Basic utilities such as "ifconfig" do not work under user account, but
> only under root.
> This problem doesn't happens in other distros. This is because normal
> user has no /sbin on it's $PATH.
> I think we should add
> export PATH=/sbin;$PATH
> To skeleton user account to fix this.
> What do you think?

That's so for a good reason, these are commands that only root should
do, you wouldn't want users to take control of the system, shutting down
the system, services, making changes that affect the way the system
works, etc. at will. A normal user should only be capable of controlling
his/her account. Imagine every user being able to issue halt and heading
off to lunch, Windows uptime would look desireable by comparison.
If you are root and logged in as an ordinary user, you can use "sudo
<command>" which will prompt you for the root password, being root, you
should be the only one who knows it and the one for other users to get
mad at if you do something stupid to spoil their day. Fine if it's your
personal machine where you are the only other user.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> sudo ifconfig

Running ifconfig as root is totally different than running it with
/sbin/ifconfig as normal user.
Adding /sbin/* to user's $PATH won't make any security problems.
ifconfig should be useble by normal users to see their IP addresses,
not to configure ones.

-Alexey Eremenko "Technologov"
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