Why do you believe that waiting until later is a good idea?

Novell/openSUSE are not agile.  If the bug day(s) identify anything that
will require major changes, it needs to occur BEFORE or during early
alpha (like when this idea was first floated several months ago).

Waiting until beta is FAR to late to have an impact on 10.3, since
things will be frozen.  This should not be just house cleaning for
bugzilla, this should be a real drive to improve the quality of the
release by fixing bugs that have persisted for ages.

As it is, I believe there simply is not enough time to handle major
fixes and churn before the planned release date in October.

This coming week is the PERFECT time to schedule the community triage
activity since there are still two alpha releases left before the
freezes start happening.

I'm going to start Monday afternoon after work from 10.0 and make my way
 forward.  I'll try to put a bug list together tonight.  Watch
http://en.opensuse.org/Bug:Triage_Day for more information sometime
before the close of the weekend.


Alberto Passalacqua wrote:
> Il giorno ven, 01/06/2007 alle 07.34 -0600, Ted Bullock ha scritto:
>> Now is probably the latest time to run this bug day thing if it is going
>> to have any sizable effect on 10.3.  
> We still are in alpha stage. I'd wait for the latest alpha first, and
> then plan it.
> With kind regards,
> A.
> .

B.Sc Software Engineering
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