On Thu, 19 Jul 2007, Martin Schlander wrote:-

>Den Thursday 19 July 2007 19:46:16 skrev David Bolt:
>> No mention of the normal CD ISOs, nor the alpha5_alpha6 delta ISOs,
>> being released. Are there plans to create and release the normal CD
>> ISOs?
>See the transscript of yesterday's status meeting:

There was a status meeting yesterday? I didn't see any mention of that
in announce otherwise I'd have tried to be there. However. After reading
the transcript, it does explain things a bit. I do have a feeling that
there are going to be quite a few people that weren't there to say
they'd like the CDs that will miss them, especially those that
downloaded the alpha5 CDs[0], and I include myself in that group.

[0] Purely out of curiosity, I know it's difficult to check how much had
been transferred via FTP or HTTP, without making a little more work for
the maintainers of the mirrors, but did anyone look to see just how much
they had been downloaded over bittorrent? I can see that I've seeded
almost 28GB, and there are likely to be others that have seeded much
more than I have.

        David Bolt

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