On 07/20/2007 02:58 AM, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> Am Donnerstag 19 Juli 2007 schrieb David Bolt:
>> [1] It's still going to be useful to add extra packages/patterns and
>> remove unwanted (non-OSS?) packages/patterns, as well as adding extra,
>> third party, repositories.
> Actually this is very likely to be the goal of further releases: make the CD 
> the installation medium of first choice and provide the DVD as collection of 
> repositories and extra patterns.
IMO this will be a big mistake. Installation should be, must be, made a
simple as possible, and that implies the user should be presented with
as few physical media as possible. If I buy the commercial box, the
complete distribution should be included in it -- OSS packages, non-OSS
packages, as well as all the sources -- all of it on, as I said, as few
physical media as possible. If I download the images instead, I should
be able to end up with the same set of 3 DVDs, and should not have to
burn a bunch of (soon to be obsolete?) CDs that contain a minuscule
fraction of the total distribution. If that is what I wanted, I would
fetch just a single, much smaller, image, and do an ftp installation.

Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue. -- François de La Rochefoucauld

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