On Sat, 2007-09-22 at 22:12 +0200, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> Am Samstag 22 September 2007 schrieb Kenneth Schneider:
> > Would all of you self righteous people stop telling others to _stop_
> > using the xfs file system? I've been using xfs successfully for many
> > years _without one single_ problem. This even after numerous power
> > outages because of a faulty UPS. If you are having problems take a good
> Still this very problem _is_ caused by xfs. Everyone having had this problem 
> so far could not reproduce a single problem when not using xfs. Even though
> the real problem is not the file system,

Here you contradict yourself. First you say the problem is "caused by
xfs" then you say "the real problem is not the file system". So it would
appear that the problem resides within YaST during the install process
and not by the xfs filesystem. Report the problem properly and it will
be solved properly.

Ken Schneider
UNIX  since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE  since 1998

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