> We had almost endless discussion in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It did kind of get out of hand... granted a few participants were more
interested in inflammatory remarks.

> nasty resource hog. That contradicts my experience, but except taking under
> loop google results, where it showed mix of obsolete articles and opinions, I
> had no much tools to prove my point that beagle is not a problem, at least
> not in that many cases.

I really don't understand that.  My experience with Beagle has always
been negative.  Everyone I know (personally, not through mailing
lists) who runs openSUSE also has the same experience.  I was chatting
with a friend yesterday about his computer.  He mentioned that he had
installed openSUSE10.3 about 2 weeks ago, and was commenting on the
performance... how frustratingly slow it was at times.  I suggested
(from my own experience) that he stop and/or remove Beagle and see of
that made any difference.  He removed it and immediately the computer
started working better. This was after Beagle was running for about 2
weeks.  This fits in with my personal experiences... even after more
than enough time for it to index.  Same issue with my brother's
computer.. an install with at least a week up constant uptime and he
was having performance issues... especially while gaming... all
resolved by removing Beagle.

Now.. if that was consistent for everyone, it would point to a problem
with Beagle, but there are people here saying it works great, and they
can't imagine being without it.

We have a group on one side who have real issues with Beagle... and on
the other, a group who have no issues at all.  The group who find it
kills all system performance want it removed.. or at the very least,
an opt-in option at install... the others think we're crazy... that
we're whining... that we're trolling etc. It's a no win situation.

I don't know what else to say... and I won't keep commenting here
beyond this email... I'm willing to give Beagle a try now and then...
as I do with all software included in the default install.  I don't
hate it.. I don't love it either.  What I would like to understand is
why there is a significant number of us that have real issues with it
when it runs... even after a reasonable time for indexing... even when
using the latest build... or at least the build that came with the
10.3 release ISOs.

It's something I can't solve personally... nor will it be resolved
with endless debates on the mailing lists.

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