Clayton wrote:
> Now.. if that was consistent for everyone, it would point to a problem
> with Beagle, but there are people here saying it works great, and they
> can't imagine being without it.
> We have a group on one side who have real issues with Beagle... and on
> the other, a group who have no issues at all.  The group who find it
> kills all system performance want it removed.. or at the very least,
> an opt-in option at install... the others think we're crazy... that
> we're whining... that we're trolling etc. It's a no win situation.
> I don't know what else to say... and I won't keep commenting here
> beyond this email... I'm willing to give Beagle a try now and then...
> as I do with all software included in the default install.  I don't
> hate it.. I don't love it either.  What I would like to understand is
> why there is a significant number of us that have real issues with it
> when it runs... even after a reasonable time for indexing... even when
> using the latest build... or at least the build that came with the
> 10.3 release ISOs.

I think there are some beagle bugs, possibly triggered by certain file
types or file system layout, that cause beagle to spin out of control. 
I have two boxes running 10.3.  One of them runs beagle all the time,
and I don't notice it.  If I did notice it, I would certainly disable it
because this laptop is my main system and I don't really even use beagle
that much.  On the other box running 10.3, whenever I reboot I'm quickly
reminded to go shut down beagle because the fans on that box will crank
up and make lots of noise as beagle is stuck at 99% CPU usage (even if
left running overnight). 

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