Darragh O'Heiligh wrote:
Oops. wrong document. sorry, just check in the SDB your self, you'll find it.

On 22/01/2008 at 13:31:29, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Brittany
Dunlap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Stephan Kulow wrote:

- Alpha1 was released on friday and looks like most
  people consider green installers more user friendly :)
- we're down to under 100 failing packages, steadily
- ppc factory has finally a starting yast again, unfortunately it still has many problems the other
  archs do not see
- tried to setup a daily factory kiwi live CD, but failed
- qt 4.4 snapshot went into factory that should make
  yast much faster

Surely something I forgot, so please ask :)

Greetings, Stephan

Yes, the green is a very nice touch. (Noticing the beginning of installation).

I just burned 11 Alpha 1 and tried to install but in the beginning where it loads the kernel, it takes a very long time compared to normal and then when the kernel is 'loaded' my screen goes blank and my hard drive and cd drive cease to function. I've never had this happen before.

Has anyone else had this problem?
I did check the md5sum. It was a match.

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Oh, thanks! (Noob here) I never expected to see that graphics issue again since I last tried Debian. But w/ Debian the screen was all garbled, not completely blank and no hdd activity. I'll give that a shot.

http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Black_screen_after_installation_startup - I think that was the correct document. That very well could be the issue. I'll report back.

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