On Mit, 2013-09-25 at 01:05 +0530, Atri wrote: 
> Hi Marco!
> Could you please try the following and see if it works for you?
> sudo mv \
> /usr/lib64/vlc/plugins/codec/libfluidsynth_plugin.so \
> /usr/lib64/vlc/plugins/codec/libfluidsynth_plugin.so.back
> If you have a 32bit system, then use /usr/lib/vlc instead
> of /usr/lib64/vlc in the above.
> If vlc starts after this (in GNOME), it might be useful also to lock the
> vlc packages to the present installed versions using zypper al, e.g.
> sudo zypper al vlc-noX
> etc.

if THIS is the cause, then an update to the latest VLC packages in
Factory / 13.1 and VLC repository should solve it as well (this plugin
has been disabled)


Dimstar / Dominique Leuenberger <dims...@opensuse.org>

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