On Wed, 21 May 2014, Gerald Pfeifer wrote:
> Soo, two questions:
>  - How can we get this fixed properly such that whatever is deciding
>    my battery is running low actually uses the same source of information
>    as the status indicator (which gets it right)?

Even if there is not answer to this here..

>  - As a stop gap measure, but generally:  How can I avoid such a forced
>    shutdown?  Frankly, I'd rather let the system run out of battery than
>    anything being force on my.

...any takers on this aspect?

I just lost work with only one battery in the system.  When I got
the critical power warning, I suspended to RAM, reconnected power,
loaded for an hour and resumed, and then the system still decided 
to shut down. :-(

Since GNOME in openSUSE 13.1 is actively hurting me in the context
of powersaving, I'd like disable this "shutdown when GNOME feels
the battery is nearly empty" functionality.

1) In the system configuration I see "When battery power is critical"
under "Power", alas that only offers "Shutdown" and "Hibernate".

2) In dconf-editor I found critical-batter-action which seems to do
what I need, alas trying to set it via the command-line fails:

  dconf write /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power/critical-battery-action 

just gives me "error: 0-7:unable to infer type".

How can I set this programmatically?

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